Taos County Crime Stoppers
P.O. Box 2900
Taos, NM 87571
We ask you to help us make our community a safer place to live and work. Please consider making a donation to our program today. If you are a business owner, please consider partnering with TCCS as a sponsor. Continue reading to learn about business sponsorships......
2019-2020 Business Sponsor Initiative
Alliances with the public and private sector are essential to the success of Taos County Crime Stoppers (TCCS). Anonymous tips solicited by Crime Stoppers programs have been instrumental in locating missing persons, apprehending fugitives and solving major crimes for decades. Taos has a vibrant tourist economy and it’s a simple fact that a high crime rate is not good for commerce or our reputation. In 2017, TCCS began a new program to encourage Taos County businesses to make a modest annual contribution as long term sponsors.
Crime fighting efforts can succeed when local businesses partner with citizens and law enforcement, working together for a safer community. Your business sponsorship can make a difference. TCCS is organized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (charity). A community-based board of directors provides oversight as to the financial and promotional activities of the program. TCCS is funded by private donations. NO TAX DOLLARS are involved. The reward money paid out by the program is from the tax deductible donations provided by concerned citizens and businesses. Most tipsters choose not to claim a reward and our administrative expenses are low. The TCCS board seeks to be a good steward of the funds under its management.
With an annual minimum donation of $300/year your business will receive a listing on our website sponsors page as well as logo placements on our most visited pages. Whenever Taos County Crime Stoppers participates in a community event, we will display your logo as a Crime Stoppers supporter. Sponsor checks are made payable to Taos County Crime Stoppers. Donations may be mailed to the board at P.O. Box 2900
Taos, NM 87571. Business inquiries can be sent via email to a board representative at tccs.contact@gmail.com .