This Crime Stop program is funded by private donations and fundraising. NO TAX DOLLARS are involved. The reward money paid out by the program is from fundraising and donations from concerned citizens and businesses.

Fundraising Goals

Hosting successful fundraisers is the key in funding our advertising, promotional items, board training and our 24/7 call center. We continue to strive to:

  • Keep the public aware of our program
  • Keep the media support on HIGH
  • Implement new programs in conjunction with the local police departments
We ask YOU to help us make our community a safer place to live and work. Please consider making a donation to our program today!


Become a SPONSOR!

You can show your support for our local Crime Stop Program for as little as just $10 per month.  We will list your business name as a sponsor on our website with a link to your business.  This is an excellent, inexpensive way to show your community support! 


Help Support the Crime Stop Program
Please become a Sponsor and contact us today!