Help Crime Stoppers of El Paso continue our fight against crime and help create a safer and stronger community. By donating, you directly contribute to the resources and initiatives that enable us to make a significant impact. Your contribution can make a difference by:

  • Maintaining our unique and anonymous crime reporting platform. 
  • Reward tipsters for their info that led to an arrest. These rewards serve as powerful incentives for individuals to provide crucial tips and assist law enforcement in solving crimes.
  • Developing new crime prevention programs in conjunction with our law enforcement partners. 
  • Provide resources to high school students that are involved in our Campus Crime Stoppers Club. 
  • Film and distribute the "Crime of the Week" to our media partners.
  • Helps us foster strong partnerships with law enforcement agencies, community organizations, and businesses.
Your contribution helps not only our fight against crime but empowers residents to take an active stand against criminal activities. Together, we can build a community that is united, secure, and resilient.


Donate Today! 

You can choose to make a one-time tax-deductible donation or on a reoccurring basis.